
The Human Health Harms

The benefits of removing toxic chemicals from plastic

Endocrine-disrupting and neurotoxic chemicals in plastic pose serious threats to human health. In this study, we look at evidence of the health benefits of reducing chemical exposure in plastics.

Plastic Health Umbrella Review

Human health is seriously harmed by plastics across the human life cycle. A world-first study that provides a compelling analysis of evidence on certain chemicals found in common plastics.

Association between prenatal exposure to plastics and autism in boys

Higher levels of bisphenol A (BPA), a plastic chemical commonly used in food packaging, were detected in urine samples taken from women pregnant with boys later found to have autism. Florey researchers identified the molecular mechanism underlying this association.

Plastic Health Map

A world-first open-access database that maps research on plastic chemical exposure and human health impacts, providing policy, governance and scientific insights.

Minderoo-Monaco Commission

Examining the impacts of plastics on people and planet at every stage of the plastics lifecycle.

Impacts associated with the plastic polymers polycarbonate, polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride and polybutadiene across their life cycle: A review

Examining plastics through a polymer lens: the environmental and human health impacts of four common problematic plastic polymers—across their entire life cycle, from raw material extraction to disposal.

Comprehensive global measures are urgently needed to protect public health from plastics

There is a considerable body of evidence on the adverse health impacts of plastic-associated chemicals, including those in micro- and nanoplastics, and therefore an urgent public health need for comprehensive global measures to protect public and planetary health from plastics.

The Treaty

Funding the implementation of the Plastics Treaty: the central role of the Polymer Premium

Report by Eunomia Research & Consulting Ltd

This report explains how the Polymer Premium can work alongside and complement other financing mechanisms to support the successful implementation of an ambitious Global Plastics Treaty.

How to incorporate the Polymer Premium into the Global Plastic Treaty

Paper by the Dr Luisa Cortat

The report outlines a framework for how the Polymer Premium could function within the Global Plastics Treaty. It analyses international examples of other Multilateral Environment Agreements and extracts key elements to recommend the most effective approach for implementing the Polymer Premium.

Analysis of governments’ authority to mitigate micro- and nanoplastic releases through closed-loop design to inform the global plastics treaty negotiations

Paper by the University of Wollongong

Promoting regulatory frameworks for the design of plastics to prevent worker and consumer exposure to micro- and nanoplastics and reduce risk to human health from such exposure, including considerations for the Global Plastics Treaty.

The Polymer Premium: A Fee on Plastic Pollution

Closing the financial gap for implementing an ambitious global plastics treaty.

Elaborating on the options of the draft plastics instrument to manage chemicals and polymers of concern

Paper by the University of Wollongong

The Plastic Pollution Fee: Design Study

Examining how a fee can support the objectives and implementation of the legally binding instrument to end plastic pollution.

The Cost

The Price of Plastic Pollution

Exploring the social costs and corporate liabilities of plastic pollution.

Plastic Waste Makers Index

Revealing the source of single-use plastics and their contribution to climate change.

Buy Now Pay Later

A review on hazards to human and planetary health from plastics production, use and waste.

Other Science

Blueprint for the design, construction and validation of a plastic and phthalate-minimised laboratory

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