Know the health harms

Did you know that your child’s development in the womb can be shaped by your exposure to plastics?

This is not your fault.

Plastics are everywhere.

They have been found on Mt Everest and the bottom of the world’s deepest ocean trench. They have even been found inside us. Plastic enters your child’s bodies through the food they eat, the water they drink and the toys they play with.

Over 16,000 chemicals are used to make plastics.

These chemicals can leach off plastic products and enter us.

Scientists across the world are researching what these chemicals are doing to us.

Minderoo Foundation and JBI at the University of Adelaide comprehensively examined chemicals which are found in everyday products and are known to enter your body.

Of the five groups of chemicals studied, all had alarming health impacts. Want to know more about these chemicals? Click on each card to learn more.

Want to know more about this research?

It is scary reading that something so inescapable is impacting your health.
But change is already happening.

Explore the research.

Scientists and health professionals are talking about the alarming findings. You (as a consumer) are already making decisions to protect your family’s health. Global leaders are listening and it’s now up to them to protect your child’s health and future.

Click here to know how a dynamic and ambitious treaty would achieve this.

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